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Drive 'em while you can! or My turn to waste bandwidth

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Drive 'em while you can! or My turn to waste bandwidth
From: Henry Frye <>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 08:53:52 -0400
Organization: TTC
To my fellow Triumphant ones,

The weather in New England yesterday was perfect for a drive. My wife
thought she was going to catch up on some work at the office, I vetoed

In our 110 mile jaunt, we saw all major marquees represented. We stopped
for lunch and got a table in the front window. Saw a contingent of some
MG club out for a drive, 3 MGA's, 2 MGTD's and a chrome bumpered Midget.
After lunch, we passed them all coming back from their destination. One
long continous wave, and all the MG's responded with an enthuisastic
wave or thumbs up. Next, we passed the Austin Healey, a 100/4 or 100/6.
Waves exhanged. Then, we saw a pack of two TR3's, a TR3A followed by a
smallmouth TR3. Waves, horns, the whole shooting match.  We made quite a
ruckus! When we were about 15 miles from home, we passed the E-type Jag,
and got big waves from the driver and passenger as well. I thought the
day couldn't get much better.

As we approach the last big intersection closest to our house, I see an
MGA drive by, then another, then an MGTD. It is the MG caravan we saw
earlier in the day, and they are all pulling into the local
restaurant/pub parking lot. I convince Helen to follow them and we
go have a chat. One of the MGA's has his bonnet up, had a stuck float in
his SU carb earlier in the day. His roadside repair was doing fine, but
his wife was standing by with a fire extinguisher just in case! We
exchanged pleasantries, and I offered the use of my shop if he wanted to
investigate further. He declined, but his wife took my phone number! 

Who says we can't all get along? 
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Henry Frye            E-mail -
 TR3B   TCF1927 L
 TR250  CD8096 L                  A Little Town In
 TR250  CD1074 L                  Connecticut, USA

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