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Re: The TR4 Fantasy for sale

Subject: Re: The TR4 Fantasy for sale
From: George Richardson <>
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 07:13:14 -0400
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Merlin Group Inc.
References: <> wrote:
> In a message dated 97-10-11 11:45:25 EDT, writes:
> << Methinks thou art a crock of bullshit.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but
>  doesn't one need to demonstrate, at very least, a cursory knowledge of
>  the english language to get into medical school?   Just a quick
>  examination of your writing style and frequent obvious errors tell
>  volumes about who (and what) you really are.  For example, your use of
>  the contraction "can't", followed only five words later by the use of
>  the full "can not" indicates at very least a childlike inconsistency in
>  thought, and in the context of your recent behavior in this social
>  setting, may be indicative of a deeper tendancy towards schizophrenia
>  and an anti-social personality.  Does mental illness run in your family
>  as well?  >>
> This is the internet.  Anyone can call themselves anything they want. Anyone
> can say they have anything they can think of for sale.  Responding as if they
> are what they say they are simply validates their fantasy.  This guy does not
> even exist. He's not real.   He's a nothing.  He's a nobody.  He's a complete
> fiction.  He made himself up. He deserves only pity.  Let's act accordingly.
> If his posts get NO response he will go to another list. IGNORE him
> completely.
> Bob Paul

That's correct. All you can do on the net to determine the validity of a
person's identity is judge the contents of the postings.

For all we know, we may be ranting at some grade school student.
George Richardson
'57 TR3, TS15559L
(getting ready to paint - and now on the web!)

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