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Spitfires RULE at Daytona Historics '97!

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Spitfires RULE at Daytona Historics '97!
From: SUCHAK <>
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 1997 22:25:29 -0400
Okay, maybe they didn't *exactly* rule, but they were well represented!

Well, actually, not THAT well..  Actually there was just one, a white
'64, number 116 I think, but he ruled against the other LBC's!

Okay, so he didn't quite win, but he placed pretty well in the pack!  

All right, all right, truth be told, he finished pretty well alright... 

(But me and the missus stood on the roof of the Cherokee and cheered our
dang-fool heads off for him on every dismal lap!  Gave him a right
proper 2 person ovation at the end even! 

We figure he must've had some engine troubles, but was out there
battlin' for Coventry, so we had to show our support.  

Seriously, if the HSC Historic series comes to your neck of the woods,
go see it!  An amazing array of machinery....  Probably the closest
thing to stepping back into the glory days you'll find.  I think the
only event left this year is Roebling Road, but there's a full slate
next year.

And that's it from your cub reporter,


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