For the past year, I've been wrestling with spongy brakes on my TR6.
I've put enough DOT 4 fluid through the brake system to have put a
significant dent in my finances had it been DOT 5. I then looked
through my message archives, and found the following suggestion:
= = = = = = = = = =
From: William Davies <>
This won't exactly answer your question (I have no fixed routine for
bleeding the brakes, I just do it as it comes), but it's a good brake
bleeding tip:
If you've bled the brakes thoroughly, but still have some air in the
system (slight sponginess, need to pump the pedal before full pressure),
try removing the filler cap on the master cylinder, then pumping the
pedal until it is firm. Now brace the pedal with a plank of wood (or
whatever comes to hand) against the seat or any fixed point in the car.
Leave for several hours (overnight in my case), and the air miraculously
finds its own way back to the master cylinder and out. This really does
= = = = = = = = = =
I'll be darned if this doesn't work! I did this to the car last night,
the brakes this evening, and their perfect! Not that I'm trying to look a
gift horse in the moouth or anything, but does anyone have an
explanation as to why something like this works??
Bruce A. Krobusek
Rochester NY
CIS: 74106,1335
'83 R80RT
'72 TR6 CC75665LO
'73 Stag LE23546UBW