>How about the feeling one gets as one passes a "new" sedan stopped by the
>side of the road (mech. problems) as you truck along in a "automobile"
>that should have been in the grave years ago.
I stopped, to share my gallon water jug with an overheated "new" car. That
felt soooo goooood.
It's hard not to laugh, when you pull away in your almost 40 year old car,
but when you think about it, our cars, old as they may be, GET preventative
maintainence, whereas many of the general driving public's don't, so it's
just a matter of time.
Heck, I stopped once to help a stranded motorcyclist. As it turns out, he
didn't know about his reserve fuel petcock, which was all that was keeping
him from riding away. That's scary.
Jack (I've seen way too many neglected vehicles) Brooks