[BOUNCE : global taboo body match "/<HTML>/i" at line 18 ]
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 20:58:35 -0400
From: "Kevin Andrews" <kevina@emji.net>
Subject: GT-6 trans to TR-250
I was wondering if a GT-6 Overdrive will fit in a TR-250. I was wanting to
put overdrive in my car and I only found one in a 74 GT-6. Is it possible
and are there any modifications
that will need to be done?
Kevin Andrews
Siler City,NC
[The GT6 uses a Spitfire based transmission, the TR250 uses a much bigger
and stronger gearbox. While the parts could be massaged to make this swap,
I, for one, would not recommend it. mjb.]