Someone mentioned using Marvel Mystery Oil as an "octane booster".
Unfortunately, MMO does not boost the octane rating, but it does
have other advantages. Rick Walker who is a reputable carb wizard
here in San Diego claims that 4oz of MMO per tank of gas will
"moisten" the gas. He says that the modern unleaded (and if you
live in California, the dreaded reformulated gas) is very dry.
I take this to mean that the modern gas will dry out seals
and create gummier deposits.
Before this is dismissed as snake oil, I and many others can vouch
for the amazing stuff Rick can do with carbs. Although he specializes
in American 4bbls, he will work on any non-Japanese carb (but he wont
rebush Strombergs :( ). Most of the local racers use Rick. I follow
his advice and use MMO in all my cars. I cannot objectively say that
it has made a difference, and all the subtle improvements in the running
of my TR6 over the past year may be attributable my attention to tuning,
but then again, maybe not. YMMV.
Shane Ingate in San Diego