Dear friends,Re recent thread on spin-on oil filter adaptors,my two denarius
Firstly,yes they are a good idea,they prevent the problem of the original
engine side-mounted paper-element oil filter draining it's contents back
into sump overnight,resulting in lack of oil to bearings etc,on start up,next
morning.That is bad for your engine. Also some,but not all,spin-on metal
cannister oil filters contain one or even two magnetic pick-ups to catch
small metal swarf that may pass by. Unipart Oil filters contain two such
magnetic pick-ups,but I cannot speak for any other brands. Some spin-on
filters also contain a non-return valve to stop oil draining back into
sump,an especially useful feature on small four cylinder Triumph
engines,(948,1147,1296 & 1493cc units),where the filters sits on the side of
the engine at around 45 degrees to the vertical.
Some of the adaptors on the market today are little more than sandwich
plates,to enable fitment of spin-on oil filters,whilst others have fittings
for oil-cooler systems,with either push-on rubber hoses,or 'screw-on' braided
hoses,and some adaptors even have a built-in oil-cooler thermostat.
In Nov 1987,I bought a spin-on oil-filter adaptor(FLOTEC # FLO FHT1),and
13-row oil cooler radiator,screw-on braided hoses and seperate in-line
thermostat with the name 'Flotec' cast into the ally items,however,due to
circumstances,it was not until May 1996 when I finally got around to fitting
these items to my Triumph Vitesse.
On fitting,the instructions that came with the kit were followed to the
letter,but on fitting the oil poured out,from between the block and
adaptor,the resultant slick putting the Amoco Cadiz to shame! We decided that
the machining was un-impressive,the original suppliers having gone out of
business,I went to Moss Europe,and bought another spin-on adaptor(#
TT1286A),this one being by Mocal,and,the Unipart oil filter supplied by
Moss/Triumph Tune was
# GFE180,an MGB item,I believe.I couldn't use it,as the Vitesse chassis got
in the way!
Anyhow,the Mocal item was c/w the Flotec item,the castings appeared
identical,apart from the name,and sure enough,they leaked just the same! Now
I was getting annoyed! Moss Europe/Triumph Tune get their oil-cooling parts
from 'Think Automotive Ltd', AKA 'Mocal Aeroquip' at 292 Worton
Road,Isleworth,Middlesex,TW7 6EL,England. tel:00-44-181-568-1172 or
FAX:00-44-181-847-5338. A very helpful company,ask for their useful
catalogue. So,after taking measurements,and noting that no two 6-cylinder
engine blocks I examined seemed to be cast the same themselves,
I took both adaptors to Think Automotive who re-machined the Mocal adaptor
for me. I can't remember the exact amount,but I think they cut into the
groove for one of the rubber O-ring seals by another 3/32nds of an inch.
When re-fitted with new rubber O-ring seals,there were no-more leaks! Problem
I can only suggest that you take a similar approach and like anything else
you fit to your Triumph don't expect it to fit perfectly first time out of
the box.
FWIW,I've just bought spare rubber O-ring seal kits from Moss/TT under #
TT12861,containing one large and two smaller rubber O-rings & some
plasticene! The fitting instructions therein read: "Advice on procedure to
obtain satisfactory seal on Triumph 6 cyl sandwich plates,cooler take offs
and spin on adapters" "Having removed existing filter head assembly.wipe face
of block clean. Fit outer ring and smaller of the inner rings in position on
plate/adaptor.Place a piece of the plasticene provided on the face of small
ring and offer up whole assembly to the block and tighten,remove and
inspect,the plasticene should be flattened indicating a seal has been made,if
not replace with larger ring." Those instructions are from Think Automotive
Ltd/Mocal Aeroquip.
Oil the Best! Leon F Guyot,Triumph Sports Six Club International Liaision