Chris wrote:
>Ok, any ideas on what went in a trans to cause reverse to no longer stay
Most likely the teeth are stripping off the reverse idler gear and 1-2
outer syncro hub. This is apparantly common for this box. I've seen
two like this already. Triumph modified the reverse gearset with the
production of later single rail trannys. Don't know if things
improved tho'.
>I still plan to try and make this last until the fall, will this problem
>affect the forward gears ? So far they work fine...
If the reverse teeth are floating around in there they might get
caught and damage other parts. Drain the oil and look at the magnetic
plug. This should give you and idea of what's happening in there.
If the broken teeth *don't* get drawn into the rest of the works then
I would expect that the forward gears would continue to work fine.
Tom O'Malley
'74, 77 Spits