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Politics and our cars

Subject: Politics and our cars
From: (Chris Bullock - vtxix)
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 11:15:38 -0400
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
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Jim and all,

FIRST - I apologize for my statements if I offended 
anyone - I think government regulations, that impede 
our ability to drive our collector cars, are very 
intrusive.  By applying unreasonable and increasingly 
tight restrictions on meeting emissions and 'safety' 
specifications across the board, these government 
agencies will run us right out of our hobby.  This, 
I believe, requires careful attention to events (such 
s SB42 in California and the recent CT issue) - 
unfortunately, politics has a huge impact on collector 
cars as there are political fronts that have loud voices 
and lots of influence when it comes to environmental 
issues - and they really don't care who they 'drive' 
over to fulfill their agenda.

SECOND - I was just trying to provide some general 
information to the list and wasn't really addressing 
the issue of Canadian vs. U.S. regs in the 70's - sorry 
to waste bandwidth.

Chris Bullock
Colchester, Vermont

1970 TR6 PI  CP51686 O
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   \   I  N  J  E  C  T  I  O  N    /  cough, cough, hack ...


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