Dave Terrick here in wonderful Winnipeg.....
For all who are following, let it be known that ther TR 6 cyl engine uses
a comon Chevy thermostat and this is <exactly> wht the big three will sell
you at double the NAPA price or better. Ask me why I know. Also, I
<beleive> the same goes for spitfire but verification would be good.
PS I hadto drill a "bleed hole" in the skirt of my chevy bit to satisfy a
tuner who told me I'd be best to do so to help cure any potential air
locks. Hey, took about 30 seconds, including getting the drill out.
Oh ya, and those fancy new style units are referred to here as "fail safe"
units, meaning only that the y fail in the open position, not closed like
most. They cost about $25 canadian.
Dave Terrick