Good to hear from you again.
Let's see if I can help.
I wanted to ask what type elec. fuel
> pump you have on your spit, I just read on the list you have a red
> purolator is this on your spit? Also wondered where you located it and
> how you wired it. I was thinking of going through the oil press. switch
> with a seperate feed from start side of starter sol.Do you think this is
> a good idea (for a saftey shutoff) and a good way to go about it?
Yes, I have a red Purolator fuel pump--one that delivers about 4-7
psi--as opposed to their blue model that only supplies about 1.5-4 psi.
When I stomp on those Webers, I want to make sure of an adequate fuel
supply. I do maintain pressure with a Purolator regulator, set to 3 psi.
The pump is mounted in the "boot" next to the OEM filter. I still have
that filter in place to keep gas tank crap from reaching the pump. I did
have to drill two holes through the bulkhead, just below the tank to
mount the pump and I used rubber grommets to try to isolate some of the
noise a typical reciprocal fuel pump makes (read you can always tell if
you have voltage to the pump). The harness I have in that car had a
purple wire that supplies voltage to the trunk light. With no trunk
light, I had a spare wire. That wire convienently comes up just above the
parcel shelf on the drivers side. I cut in a toggle switch to
turn the pump on and off. Over the years I've been telling myself I
should install an inertia switch (OEM on TR8s and later MGBs). I've even
got it out in the garage waiting to be wired in. If you can wire your's
through the oil pressure switch, that's a very good idea. My oil pressure
switch has long since been replaced with an after market gauge.
> remember you had a speed correction formula on your speedo.What are the
> numbers? I just got a set of Yokohama 509's 185/60 and expected my
> speedo to read faster than actual speed,but a quick check seems like it
> reads about 5 mph slower I installed a later('79 or 80, car is "76) o.d
> trans. a few years ago never checked the speedo till now.
Correction? With what you've got there, it's hard to say. I know the last
time I talked to Nisonger Instruments, they told me they could calibrate
speedos if you coul tell them how much it was off--cost ya about $125
though. I used a set of calibrated road side markers and just made up my
correction factor. Except for the rare fun rallye, I never use it. On the
highway, I just match the flow of traffic--well, maybe a little faster
I was going to
> try the list but will wait till I feel more comfortable with it,I just
> started receiving it and am not really sure how it works. Are you going
> to Thanks in advance,hope to see you soon
> Don't be afraid to approach the list with questions. New people sign onevery
>day. Nobody's going to flame you for asking questions. Now,
starting a string about common courtesty, that's another question.
Can't make TRF. I've already blown my wad on the Camp Hill thing. It was
worth it though!
Stay in touch,