Mike Mason wrote:
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Snip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
When I climbed under to measure how far the slave rod was pushing, I
found that I could easily move the T.O. Fork Shaft Lever by hand at least
5/8 inch. So I am thinking that my brand new, hardened taper pin from
MOSS is already broken. :-(
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< End Snip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
Did you put the spring back in the slave cylinder? The
hydraulic system should automatically take up this slack
regardless of the condition of the rest of the system
(taper pin, thrush washers, etc.) It soundds to me like the
spring is missing and the slave cylinder is not taking up
the slack.
Give me a call this week end as I will be in town (briefly)
Dave Massey, St. Louis