> Hello all,
> Just a quick question today. Considering the poor quality of the wires
> I ordered from Vicky Brit, I have decided to send them back and have them
> credit my card. My question is: Can I go to an automotive store, order
> standard, good quality, longer wires, cut them to size and insert then
> into the distributer cap?
> My cap has little set screws that screw in from the underside and pierce
> the wire in order to provide contact.
> Ideally, this is the way to go. I justy don't know if common brand wires
> would be compatible. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Alan Camhi
> 65 TR4
Any good quality plug wire should work. Just trim to length and install
as you stated above. BTW, I like those cool blue silicone ones.
John Matthews
'61 Racin' Herald