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To: Peter Zaborski <>
Subject: Re: TRF
From: George Richardson <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 15:57:42 -0400
Cc: "'TR6 List'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Organization: Merlin Group Inc.
References: <>
Peter Zaborski wrote:
> Just finished placing an order at TRF to get the stuff I wanted from
> their Summer Companion Flyer (which I received only last week). As usual
> a bunch of stuff I wanted was not available. That's ok, but here is the
> amusing/intersting part.
> When I asked what my total was part way through the order, the sales
> person I was speaking with informed me that he would not be able to give
> me that info. What! I said? Surely your computer must have the running
> total in front of you? No he said the total won't be available until the
> order is input by data processing! Visions of some midnight shift
> operator with a stack of computer punch cards came to my mind at this
> point.
> And we wonder why they don't have a web site!
> Has anyone actually been to their office? I wonder what it looks like? I
> was quite surprised that the order person was unable to provide me with
> a running total of my order that's for sure.
> BTW, before anyone proceeds to shred me for dissing TRF, that is not how
> I meant this observation to come accross. I like their parts (for the
> most part). My beefs with them are:
> 1. Constantly out of stock
> 2. Reluctance to enter the modern age (ie live order system, web site)
> Just MHO...
> Peter Zaborski
> 76 TR6 (CF58310 UO)
> Calgary AB Canada

Entering the modern age takes an investment in time & cash that Charles
may feel is better spent elsewhere.

My personal feeling is that if you're in it for the long run, computers
& required software can only help.

George Richardson
'57 TR3, TS15559L
(still in the works)

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