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Re: Brake MastCyl Tipping Valve Nut <Pine.SOL.3.95q.97062709

To: David M Brock <>
Subject: Re: Brake MastCyl Tipping Valve Nut <>
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 19:35:58 PDT
Cc:, Triumphs List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>,
>>>David M Brock said:
 > I looked for the "1/2" Hex Socket" at two local places, and found nothing.

 > I cooked this up:  I got a 6" hex bolt, and bent it to look like a "J"
 > (hex at the top) and grabbed the bottom (hook) in a vice.

Just for future reference, another thing you can do (that seems not to have 
been mentioned) is to get a couple of inches of hex bar stock of the 
appropriate size, stick one end in a 1/2" socket and the other in your nut.

This is, in fact. what the "1/2" Hex Socket"[1] really is. 

If you couldn't find what you needed at two local places, my humble opinion is 
you need better places.  These goodies should be a stock item at all decent 
tool stores.


[1] synax error on line 11: unbalanced quotes.  Core dumped.

Berry Kercheval :: :: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

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