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Lubing the trunions

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Lubing the trunions
From: "PAUL LOGUE" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 97 04:53:36 UT
I am restoring a 77 Spit with 160,000 miles.  I have put more than half of the 
miles on this car in 12 years.  Until I rebuilt the front end during the 
present restoration, I had been putting a medium weight high temp "red" grease 
used in packing wheel bearings on most General Aviation aircraft. When I 
dismantled the suspension, I found the trunions to be like new.  I never knew 
about the preference for "oil" until I read it during reassembling.  I think I 
will stick with the grease.

Paul Logue
77 Spit
Midland, GA

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