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RE: Bumpers and over-riders for Mk1 Spitfire

To: "Triumph List" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested), "Chris Leah" <> (Return requested)
Subject: RE: Bumpers and over-riders for Mk1 Spitfire
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: 25 Jun 1997 07:56:35 -0700
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Chris Leah wrote:

Greetings fellow listers.
A friend of mine has just bought a Mk1 Spitfire and is undertaking a full 
body off restoration. The car was originally imported into Zimbabwe from 
the UK and was sold after the death of the owner who had retired here in 
South Africa.  Needs a fair amount of work apart from a total paint job and
new interior.  However, one of the problems is that the front and rear 
bumpers and over-riders are missing. I have been told that these items are 
like the proverbial hens teeth.  Does anyone on the list know if these are 
available as aftermarket parts .... My Moss, Rimmer and TRGB catalogues 
don't list them.
Chris - I'll second the comments made by Ralph Jannelli.  I ordered my 
front overriders from John Kipping Triumph Spares in the UK and was very 
pleased.  I think Rimmer Bros. also carries the front and rear overriders. 
In the U.S., Victoria British does carry the rear bumperettes (the ones 
that wrap around the sides), but does not list the rear overriders as 
available.  Finally, the ONLY place I found that carried a new front bumper
is Kipping, but the cost is outrageous, something like $325US without 
overriders.  My Mk I Spitfire was missing the front bumper/overriders and I
ended up trading some other parts with a list member for a very beat up and
rusted front bumper, which I then had rechromed for $125US.  The Kipping 
front overriders are about $45US each, so I have about $215US into my front
bumper alone.  (I guess I better not hit any curbs.)  If I were your 
friend, I'd re-post your request for bumper parts again in a few weeks if 
no response is made - sometimes people are away for a while, etc.  
Otherwise, he'll have to scour any and all dismantlers to find one. Hope 
this helps.
Ross D. Vincenti
Asst. Gen. Counsel/Asst. Sec'ty.
Transamerica Home Loan - Legal Dept.
(213) 742-4756/(213) 742-4010 fax
Los Angeles, CA 90015
64 Spitfire 4
64 Porsche 356C Coupe

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