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RE: Los Angeles to San Francisco

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: RE: Los Angeles to San Francisco
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 08:23:09 -0700 (PDT)
I'll see your 970 miles and raise you 3000 (give or take a few hundred).
I'm currently in the process of planning a rescue mission to bring my
vintage race-prepared '66 TR4A from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Vancouver, BC.
My wife think I'm nuts (always has been a good judge of character) but I've
got this overwhelming urge to give it a shot, having read numerous Peter
Egan stories of his cross-country adventures in vehicles ranging from a
Westfield to a Dino to A MG TC to A Model A (besides, the transport
companies want $2500 to take it on an open carrier car via rail!).  I can
only hope that my story has a happy ending.  To this end, I'm trying to set
up a network of fellow enthusiasts who might be able to help me out in the
unlikely event that I should run into trouble.  The plan is that my wife
would follow me out in our daily driver (not interesting enough to mention
make and model) which is also in Halifax, along with my wife and all my
worldly possesions (job relocate),  so I would just be looking for people
with expertise and perhaps the odd part.  It's not a sure thing that I'm
going to try this.  I guess it kind of hinges on what kind of response I get
out of this thread and whether I can keep my wife from having me commited.
I would hopefully be looking at doing this around the beginning of August
and would be keeping the entire trek within Canadian boundaries.  Anyone out
there who may be able to help me?  Thanks in advance for any and all responses.

Dave Page
'66 TR4A IRS

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