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Re: TR6--shifting into reverse

To: Jeff Arrowsmith <>
Subject: Re: TR6--shifting into reverse
From: Chad Jester <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 1997 22:27:55 +0900
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <v03007802afd274e07e70@[]>
Jeff Arrowsmith wrote:
> >Did I read correctly this past week on the list that someone stated to
> >shift the TR6 into reverse you needed to lift up on the lever?  I've
> >owned TR6 since 1974 and none of them were like this.
> >
> >I took my 6 to be inspected this morning and tried to lift up the lever
> >while shifting into reverse--no way!  In the back of my mind I was
> >thinking about the twisting the coke to stay out tip that's been posted
> >recently; maybe I'd missed this obvious design point for the last 23
> >years.
> >
> >Once again, did I read this correctly?  No one else has commented on
> >this.  Or am I making all this up (been known to do a few weird things
> >like that!).

I've owned a dozen '74 - '76 TR6's....three with less than 25K miles.
NONE of them had any provision to lift the shifter when shifting into

I have had many of these levers apart and there is no obvious mechanical
requirement to lift the lever, even if you could.  There is a spring
loaded "detent" but you actuate it by pushing the shift lever sideways.

The bit about twisting the choke is in the owner's handbook.


Chad Jester
Seoul, KOREA

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