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Re: New owner: quest on TR6 <Pine.SOL.3.91.970616132436.6705

To: Joseph Burlein <>
Subject: Re: New owner: quest on TR6 <Pine.SOL.3.91.970616132436.6705B-100000@buffalos>
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 1997 11:24:32 PDT
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
>>>Joseph Burlein said:
 > The car was originally made to run on 99/100 octane.  The only way to get 
 > that octane is to buy 100 low lead from an a local small airport. 

If you decide to do this, be aware that it is technically illegal, at least in 
California.  The prices of gasoline sold for use by street cars includes taxes 
for road building and maintenance that are not charged for aviation fuel.  The 
lead in the 100LL will also pollute any catalytic converter you have (not a 
problem for most of us.)

Many airports will not sell fuel to people in cars at all, but some have self 
service pumps if you can get access to the ramp.  

There is rumoured to be a form to fill out and send in with the tax if you do 
this.  My TR-6 runs just fine on the 92 octane unleaded I can buy so I don't 


Berry Kercheval :: :: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

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  • Re: New owner: quest on TR6 <Pine.SOL.3.91.970616132436.6705B-100000@buffalos>, Berry Kercheval <=