>I know I'm going to catch heck for this but.......
>In the above catalog I received today, Charles will graciously sell you
>no longer wanted rusty, dented TR250 bodyshell for a measly $6000. But
>wait, there's more- for only another $1250 he will sell you new body
>to replace the rusty ones. Boy, I bet their phones will be ringing off
>hook on Monday, what with that deal, and the unrestored TR8 in need of a
>paint job for $14000.
>I will now put on my asbestos suit and retire gracefully from the scene.
Here we go again. ;-)
First the article stated that the bodyshell belonged to an English
customer, not Charles, and that is who they are selling this for.
Second, the body looked to be in somewhat decent shape, not 'rusty' as
you stated, but in need of some work. TRF questioned if the extra parts
would be needed.
Now as far as price goes, it always surprises me what they ask for for
these types of things. When they started describing all the parts I
thought they would be included in the $6,000 price. No you have to admit
that would of been a bargain. What is a TR-250 shell worth? Certainly
you can't buy one new. I guess that is up to the market. If someone
buys it then it was priced correctly.
I thought the TR-5 with no interior that they were asking $15,000
dollars for was a joke. However if someone payed $15,000 dollars for it
then again they priced it right.
These cars go for a lot more money over in Europe. Maybe TRF's catalog
goes over the pond, and they get some bite from that neck of the woods.
It is hard to know for sure.
Once again, TRF we know your out there, and if you would like to
to these question I'm always glad to listen.