My wife, who has rheumatoid arthritis, is having more and more
trouble getting into and riding in the The Green Man", my TR4.
She's rather long legged and finds the space in front of the seat
just a tad too short for her to "get her knees under" easily. It
seems the crash pad, with its grab bar, in front of the glove box
sticks out just enough that her knees keep hitting it when she trys
to move her legs around in the car. I installed Early TR6 seats
in the car for comfort sake a few years ago. Their increased height
and thickness in padding (which makes them great for long trips)
exacerbates this problem.
Before I go back to the orgininal seats, I want to try changing
the crash pad for one from a right hand drive car (no grab handle)
to see if it will help... (right now I think an inch of extra space
just might do the trick).
If anyone out there on the list has an old RHD crash pad (it
doesn't have to be pretty... this is just for a trial) they would
be willing to part with, I'm in the market...
A big part of my enjoyment of The Green Man is being able to
share it with my best girl... She's been a great inspiration right
from the start (when I dragged the rusty hulk home). If she can't
ride in the car, owning it becomes a selfish enterprise...
As always, thanks in advance
Greg Petrolati 1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
"That's not a leak... My car is just marking its territory!"
Greg Petrolati, Champaign, Illinois