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Re: worlds longest running unfinished TR6 restoration

Subject: Re: worlds longest running unfinished TR6 restoration
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 1997 12:22:12 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
In a message dated 97-06-14 04:03:15 EDT, you write:

<< So you can hold the title of "worlds longest running unfinished TR6
 restoration" if you have been at it more that 26 years and 6 months. >>
Okay Sandy, I stand (or sit) corrected. 
I could mark the beginning of my restoration at the date of acquisition
in 1982 (rear end fire on the way home - DPO had lodged short 2x4 above
muffler to keep loose muffler from rattling - muffler heat ignited 2x4 after
about 30 miles) - a "rolling restoration" followed but the car was driven
regularly and was great fun until damaged in a flood in Nov 1985 
- backed the car out of dry garage and drove in reverse about 200 ft thru
about 2-3 feet of water to escape swiftly rising flood water - water broke
all 13 blades off fan - blades launched into radiator tearing it up.
Worst part is water never did reach the garage. Anyway after the flood
a serious case of Shipwright's Disease set in, the car hasn't been driven
since, and  this is when I regard the Great Restoration to have begun.
Career moves to 3 different states and a serious shoulder injury in May 96 
have turned it into the Great UNFINISHED Restoration, but I am optimistic
(read DREAMING) that Serious Work will begin again real soon and CF870U
will be on the road again in the near the future and I HOPE

your record of 26 1/2 yrs is safe.

Cheers !
Jack Mc
1973 TR6 CF870U - world's 2nd longest running unfinished TR6 restoration
                              that we know of right now
                             (this is getting too long, I think I'll just
drop it)

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