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Re: Triumphtune

Subject: Re: Triumphtune
From: Michael Marr <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 1997 11:43:33 -0500
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Evantage
References: <> wrote:
> I tried sending a fax to Moss Europe in order to get their Triumphtune
> catalog and the fax wouldn't go through after several tries. This is the
> number I used: 011 44 0181 940 0484. Does anyone know the proper number? I
> sent a fax to Rimmer Bros using the same International access and country
> codes and it worked. I got the city code and local number from Moss Europe' s
> home page. Anyone have a clue as to what's wrong?
> Greg Wolf
> 1970 GT6+

Some of the city codes have changed recently, apparently.  Try dropping
the 0 in the 0181 group, or replacing it with a 1 (1181).  This works
for me when I call my folks in jolly old England.

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