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Re: hand brake assembly

To: "Cordes, Edwin G" <>
Subject: Re: hand brake assembly
From: George Richardson <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 19:05:29 -0400
Cc: Triumph news group <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Organization: Merlin Group Inc.
References: <>
Cordes, Edwin G wrote:

> I have recently purchased a 250 in good running condition, minus some
> key operating parts.  One of those parts being the entire hand brake
> assembly,from the cables forward.  This assembly is no longer
> available
> form the parts houses.  I believe it is the same assembly for the 6's
> also.  Does anyone know of an alternative or have a spare they would
> be
> willing to part with for reasonable $'s.
> I need a working hand brake to pass Texas safety inspections and for
> my
> own comfort.  Thanks in advance.
> Ed Cordes
> Houston Tx
> 68 TR250

  I've got some odds and ends that came with my TR3 that aren't TR3
parts. One of the items is a hand brake assembly that looks aomething
like a TR3 part, but is diffenet in a few ways. I'd guess it's a TR4 or
4A handbrake. You're welcome to it for the cost of shipping if it's

George Richardson
'57 TR3, TS15559L
(still in the Works)

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