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Re: spitfire's first long ride and many woes!

To: Ed Burger <>
Subject: Re: spitfire's first long ride and many woes!
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 08:28:52 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
On Wed, 11 Jun 1997, Ed Burger wrote:

> Hello everyone.  I registered my Spitfire today, allowing me to take it
> for its first long drive since I (sorta) restored it.  I noticed A LOT
> of things wrong with it.  BTW: its a '65.
> Is the speedometer supposed to bonce around all crazy-like?  It was
> almost accurate, if you could catch it still for long enough to read it.

It really shouldn't be bouncing that much. Could be that the cable needs 
a bit of lubrication, and/or the speedometer itself is in need of 
cleaning or overhaul?
> The front end wobbles and rolls and all kinds of nasty stuff.  It's got
> new tires and tunnions ... The ball joints are a little loose, but I
> wouldn't think they'd merrit this kind of driving.  Over 60, the little
> bugger was hopping around the road so much it was all I could do to keep
> it in my lane.

Bent wheels, bad tires, wheel alignment and wheel balance are all 
possible causes, but don't discount those ball joints. They shouldn't 
have any play in them; if they do, change them!
> I can't downshift into first, and second's a pain too.  I have to come
> to a complete stop before I can put it into first.  Does this have to do
> with the non-sych first gear?  What's the point in downshifting anyway?
> Why not just dissengage the tranny and coast?

Yes, that's the way it is with a non-synchro first, hence the discussion 
we had a few days back on double-clutching, etc. Downshifting to 1st is 
probably not actually necessary unless one does come to a complete stop. 
As for disegaging the tranny and coasting, ok. That's what brakes are 
for, and there's little reason to abuse a transmission worth many 
hundreds of $$$ to repair for the sake of sparing a $25 set of brake 
pads. Of course, it's worth noting that coasting might be illegal in some 
states (I think it is in NY).


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Andrew Mace, President and                *
*   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
* Vintage Triumph Register                  *
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