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Re: TR6 - PUMP -Reply

To: <>, <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: TR6 - PUMP -Reply
Date: Thu, 29 May 97 09:51:08 +1000
     Not easy! I started with an ex-US carby car for a total rebuild and  
     bought all the  Injection bits from an old sedan and used a mates TR5 
     as the model to copy from.  Things to watch include 
     1.  the linkages need to shortened and rotated on the shaft - means 
     grinding off the old weld and re welding in the right position.  
     2.  you need new fuel lines - I started with the plastic stuff but 
     ended up replacing it with steel - you also need to run a return line 
     to the tank.
     3.  you need to modify the petrol tank to accept the return line.
     4.  if you don't have baffles in the fuel tank you may need to have a 
     surge tank fitted to stop the pump cavitating on corners.
     5.  you'll need to have the metering unit modified as the TR6 is 
     lighter than the Sedan and has a different fuel curve.
     6.  you'll need to fabricate a bracket for the air cleaner element to 
     fit beside and in front of the radiator.
     7.  you'll need the different distributor pedestal to take the 
     metering unit (should get that from the Sedan)
     8.  you'll need to get the injectors serviced/replaced to ensure they 
     don't let air in while you set it up.
     9.  once together, you'll need to spend a bit of time 'bleeding' the 
     air from the system
     10.  for greater reliability, think about fitting a Bosch pump.
     11.  And don't forget to fit a 'cut-out' switch for the electric pump 
     - just incase of accidents - you don't want to be pumping fuel all 
     over the place!
     If you've got all the bits, it's really not that hard to do and gives 
     instant power gains - about 20hp.  Happy to give more info on 
     specifics if you want.
     John Mc
     '71 TR6
     'Fast is First'

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Subject: TR6 - PUMP -Reply
Author:  Richard Jugovich <> at AARNET
Date:    28/5/97 9:25 AM

Have you converted your TR6 to fuel injection?  If so, what information
can you give me on the conversion.

Thank you.

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