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Electrical Gremlins & Memorial Day Drives (long)

To: "Triumph Group" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested)
Subject: Electrical Gremlins & Memorial Day Drives (long)
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: 27 May 1997 13:52:07 -0700
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Greetings Scions,

FYI, this weekend all four parking lamps on the Spit stopped working, 
although everything else was fine, including headlamps and brake lamps.  I 
was thinking "uh-oh, this could be a real pain in the arse to find and fix". 
  But I quickly traced the problem - the fuse block is the original one from 
1964 and when I re-installed it after the restoration I simply screwed it 
back to the bulkhead as-is.  Turns out there was just enough crud and 
corrosion build-up over the years that, unless the fuse was wiggled into 
place properly, the contact surfaces of the prongs holding the fuse in place 
would not make a good connection and no juice was getting through.  I 
cleaned up the contacts with some emory cloth and everything works again. 
 So, just another reminder to clean all terminals and connectors before 
getting into the heavy trouble shooting stuff - could save you lots of time.

Also took the Spitfire down to cruise along the oceanfront in Newport Beach 
this Memorial Day late in the afternoon.  Top down, cooling breezes blowing 
in from the ocean, LOTS of traffic, and LOTS of bikini clad women hanging 
from balconies and walking along the sidewalks (okay, there were some guys 
there too, but who the Hell remembers what they looked like?).

Spit was running GREAT and got approving smiles about every 20 feet (lots of 
people asking "what is it? a Ferrari? - uh-huh and from what spaceship did 
you just get off of buddy?).  Best part was that with the hotter cam, 
tweaked heads, and free flow exhaust it sounds awesome run up to about 4,500 
in first gear and then let off the throttle - vrrrooooooommmmmmm, 
whaaaaaaaa, burble, crackle, burble,crackle, pop, burble, pop, burble, pop! 
 Okay, okay, so I am somewhat of an exhibitionist, alright.  But sweet 
Jesus, it sounded so good and so throaty from such a pint size car!  Why of 
course you can sit in it my dear!  Nice tan lines.  Who are your friends? 
 Do they want to sit in it too?  Where are you staying tonight?  My name? - 
ummm, Bob.  Bob Bondurant.  Would you like to sit on my lap and take a 
driving lesson?

And yes, I did tell one poor drunk slob that it IS a Ferrari, VERY rare 
model, only one imported to the U.S. before they realized that it was simply 
too small to appeal to American drivers so they decided not to import any 
more.  He was too wasted to read the words "Triumph" on the boot lid or 
notice the license plate "LIL SPIT". (sigh)  Just love these LBCs, don't ya?

Ross D. Vincenti - Costa Mesa, CA
64 Spitfire 4
64 Porsche 356C Coupe

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