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Registering my new TR6 in NJ

To: Triumph mail list submissions <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Registering my new TR6 in NJ
From: Keith Baer <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 11:40:12 -0400
Well, I finally got my new baby home over the weekend ('72 TR6 CC

I will soon have to go through the NJ state registration/inspection
process and I would like to know from any other New Jersey TR6 owners
what to expect.  In particular, I'm concerned about the emmisions
testing (I know lights, brakes, etc. need to be working). 

Anyone experienced in NJ registration?

Also, can someone supply me with info for TR clubs in NJ? (I'm in the
northern NJ metro area)


Keith Baer

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