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Re: Tiny TRs<Pine.WNT.3.95.970526122927.-428207E-100000@macr109.bangor.a

To: "Johnny Storm:- International Racing car driver" <>
Subject: Re: Tiny TRs<>
Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 09:58:45 +0000 (GMT)
Cc: Pete and Dianne Fullam <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, RICHARD.JACKSON@NENE.AC.UK
References: <>
>The TR4 is officially accepted by 'lads'! Check out the inside cover of
>the current 'LOADED' magazine to see a really badly put together and
>painted airfix TR4 model!! It's in nail varnish blue with a pink
>'LOADED' logo on the bonnet.

>Underneath it says that the consultant for the paint job was a
>Mr R.Jackson, because of his experience in the field!:-)

You bitchy tart!!! :-)  And whats wrong with my paint job on my Spit? :-)  

>To make up for such debasement of what we worship there are some great
>pictures of birds without much on...:-)

Hmmm, down to WH Smiths at dinner then! :-)

Finally, I have seen the McDonalds advert where they wreck the spitfire,
bas*ards!!! Bet they don't show that in the US! :-)  For our US buddies(yank
speak! :-)) there is a lad driving a 1500 Spit(although it has MkIV badges on
the rear wings, OK I'm sad for noticing!) when it starts to rain, so he
attempts to put the roof up(obviously, they couldn't use an MG as there roofs
don't fold down :-)), well the header rail comes off in his hands, so he drives
to Mcdonalds getting soaked(and tries to pull a tastey nurse on the way I may
add) in a down pour! when he finally opens the door, about 6 inches of water
pours out! :-)  Couldn't happen with my car, there is no way it could hold that
amount of water unless parked under Niagra falls! :-)

Also, stripped, cleaned and rebuilt the Spit's SU's this weekend, installed
another return spring(basically an old carb damper spring) and now it idles at
800 revs!!!  also seems to be better on fuel as the guage ain't moved on the
way to work, although I could only squeeze 90 out of it yesterday, although I'm
not sure whether it was the cars fault or the girlfriend naggin me that caused
that! :-)



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