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Re[2]: '73 TR6 (was TR6 '74 & '74 1/2 cars)

To: (Return requested), (Return requested), triumphs@Autox.Team.Net (Return requested), (Return requested)
Subject: Re[2]: '73 TR6 (was TR6 '74 & '74 1/2 cars)
From: Peter Mchugh <>
Date: 21 May 1997 11:38:51 -0400
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     As a result of having been bumped (bumping) on the famous DC Beltway I 
     replaced the front bumper on my 73 with what I believe is the bumper 
     from a US model with the front badge bar and three small 
     mounting holes in the upper surface of the bumper.  The replacement 
     bumper fits very close (almost tight) to the indicator lamps...looks 
     fine, but is higher than the original 73 bumper which may have been 
     1-1/2" below the lamps.
     73 TR-6

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Subject: Re: '73 TR6 (was TR6 '74 & '74 1/2 cars)
Author: at Internet
Date:    5/21/97 10:33 AM

In a message dated 97-05-21 06:01:42 EDT, writes:
<< On the earlier cars, the bumper almost touches the indicator
 lamps. On the '73, there is clearly a space.
 I may be off a little on the year, but I am almost certain that around '73, 
 this type bumper was fitted. I don't think it's just a case of someone 
 removing the overriders, either, because that leaves the mounting holes 
 visible. I would love to have confirmation on this. It has been puzzling me 
 for quite a while. Anyone? >>
On my early 73 TR6 (CF870U) there clearly is significant space between 
the indicator lamps and bumper. Comparing it to pictures of my first TR6 
(1974 1/2 CF29096U with overiders & clear/amber lamps below bumper)
I'm really suprised at how much lower the bumper is on the 73. I can 
confirm that the 73 is as original and the 74 1/2 was as original when the 
pictures were taken.
Jack Mc

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