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Re: TR6 and Overdrive

Subject: Re: TR6 and Overdrive
From: (Lawrence G Miceli)
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 23:00:21 EDT
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>
On Tue, 20 May 1997 16:32:57 -0400 Doug Mathews
<> writes:
>Piggott's book states that ~1973 overdrive bacame standard on the TR6. 
>saw a 76 TR6 the other day that appeared not to have it. Do any of the 
>73 owners have a comment?
It's my understanding that the overdrive was in fact made standard on
home market cars only. There are MANY U.S. spec,  post 1973 cars that
were non-O/D. Just another example of the inaccuracies in Piggott's book.
In fact the people on this list probably know a LOT more about TR6s than
Piggott!  Maybe we should write our own book of TR6 "facts"???

Larry Miceli
'76 TR6
'73 Stag
'66 Herald

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