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GT6, TR4 fan

To: "Triumph Owners" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: GT6, TR4 fan
From: Allen Hess <>
Date: Tue, 20 May 97 11:36:32 -0500
Many years ago I put the 8 blade yellow plastic fan (bought it from the 
Triumph Dealer) on my TR4 and solved my overheating problem. A couple of 
years ago I saw a GT6 at Carlisle with a 6 blade metal fan. The 
construction is steel and aluminum, like the TR4 but there is a lot of 
pitch like the yellow fan. I took another stroll around Carlisle and 
found a GT6 fan. I am planning to put the metal GT6 fan on my TR4 to 
retain some resemblance of the original and have the cooling efficiency 
of the plastic.

Now for the hard part-- The TR4 fans and hubs were balanced at the 
factory and all of the pieces were "keyed" with a 1/16" hole through the 
assembly. (See The Bentley Manual). My hub has the hole, two other TR4 
fans which I have, have the hole and the fan hardware which I picked up 
separately at Carlisle (locking plates, balancer pieces) have the hole. 
The GT6 fan which I want to install DOES NOT have the 1/16" hole. Were 
these fans as installed on the GT6 not balanced in the same manner as the 
4's or is this fan as it was manufactured "close enough" and did not need 
the additional balancing?

Allen Hess  CT13678L

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