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Re: TR6 Water Pump Question/Cooling System Update

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net (Return requested), (Return requested)
Subject: Re: TR6 Water Pump Question/Cooling System Update
From: Peter Mchugh <>
Date: 19 May 1997 13:08:25 -0400
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     I've had TRF green hoses on my 6 since the summer party two years 
     ago...still green and good shape.  
     I sent several of the clamps back as being too tight...decided against 
     using them where they weren'y visible anyway in favor of good old 
     American stainless clamps.  If I had your suggestion back then, I 
     might have been tempted to use the longer screws.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: TR6 Water Pump Question/Cooling System Update
Author: at Internet
Date:    5/19/97 12:34 PM

I just installed a new water pump on my 76 TR6. All seems well except 
for one thing. The pump has a weep hole which I believe is designed to 
point down. Of course I forgot about this and when I went to check if I 
got lucky I found the weep hole pointing sideways instead :-(.
Is this a critical situation to rectify immediately or can I drive until 
the fall when I will flush the system and replace the pump in the 
required position?
I also installed the green hoses which TRF supplies as "original" later 
TR6 equipment. All went and they really look quite nice in the engine 
bay. I just wonder how long they will stay nice and green :).
The only glitch I ran accross is with the clamps on a couple of the 
_large_ hoses. If you are familiar with the TRF catalogs, you know that 
they (TRF) issue a warning about the clamps for the small hoses being 
very tight so as to provide minimal exposure of the screw threads once 
the clamp is tightened. Well on my car (a really late 76) the small 
calmps all fit just fine. However I did have a problem with the two 
clamps which go on the piece of steel pipe between the radiator bottom 
and the thermostat housing. I had to use the screws from my original 
clamps and even then the fit was incredibly tight. I would recommend 
anyone doing this get a couple of longer screws for these two clamps.
Peter Zaborski
76 TR6 (CF58310 UO)
Calgary AB Canada

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