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Re: Beautiful Noise - Non LBC

To:,, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Beautiful Noise - Non LBC
Date: Sun, 18 May 1997 16:18:08 -0400 (EDT)
To Mike, Kurt, and fellow listers:

Even thought there was no LBC content, I personally enjoyed reading both
posts very much.

First of all, Mike, a hearty Thank You to your dad on behalf of the rest of
us for whom he made such a sacrifice.

I was born in 1940, and by war's end I was old enought to know a little about
what was going on. Of course, most of what I knew, I learned from my little
friends, who were passing on what they had heard from family members, and
most of it was wrong. None-the-less, it made such an impression on me that to
this day I have a sense of dread any time I hear a large prop driven plane
fly over. I didn't live near an airport, so every time a large plane flew
over, we just knew we were going to be bombed. I don't have that same feeling
with jet planes, as they came along after I was old enough to have a better

Almost every year, the Confederate Air Force brings a B-17 to the local Air
Force Base for display. When it flies over, I still get that same sense of
dread, even though I know perfectly well why it is there.

Dan Masters,
Alcoa, TN

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