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Re: re Power Up <v03007801afa30201f7a2@[]>

To: Jeff Arrowsmith <>
Subject: Re: re Power Up <v03007801afa30201f7a2@[]>
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Sat, 17 May 1997 14:22:56 PDT
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net,
 > >Hi all,
 > > "Power Up NNL-690", and is an oil
 > >additive [...] claims to reduce friction on metal to metal contact.

>>>Jeff Arrowsmith said 
 > SNAKEOIL BULLSHIT! your money and make regular oil changes
 > instead.

For a calmer but essentially equivalent discussion see Fred Rau's 
article on this.  Infoseek found it first time with the search string
"motor oil additive snakeoil" at

Fred put a lot of work into finding out "do these things really work" and came 
up with the answer "basically no; most are mostly harmless but some are really 
bad news".  (my paraphrase, not his)

Berry-Bob sez checkitout.


Berry Kercheval :: :: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

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