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BCW - The Final Chapter

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: BCW - The Final Chapter
From: (Bruce T. Clough)
Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 08:11:25 -0400
Good Morning!

Friday hath arrived in the sunny, but cool, Little Miami River Valley of 
Southwest Ohio.  I jumped in my trusty, slightly rusty. '81 TR7 DHC for the 
ride to work, but first I had to stop and pick up donuts (government workers 
get cranky when you don't bring in donuts on Friday).  Lo and behold, I saw 
another LBC, the first this week!  Wow!  I was excited.

The MGB had broken down in the shopping area parking lot several nights 

So LBC week for me has been a bust.  I haven't seen any other LBC on the 
road except mine.


Bruce Clough  

I waved to myself in the mirror, but the guy didn't wave back - the bastard!

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