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To: "Charlie Brown" <> (Return requested), "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested)
Subject: RE: BCW
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: 13 May 1997 15:46:44 -0700
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Charlie Brown wrote:
Hey what's the big deal. Some of us drive our LBC every day. The only
thing that keep my Spit off the road is when the snow gets above the axle
height.Some of you guys can have fun with your British Car Week. For some of
us it's everyday excitement--especially playing dodge 'em with the
18-wheelers =:o
I'd love to drive my Spit to work everyday, but then the cold cruel reality 
sets in that (1) it's a 90 mile round trip to Los Angeles and back (2) it is 
on SoCal freeways (3) as a corporate attorney I must wear a suit everyday 
(4) it gets hot driving in a Spit with the top down when you are in a suit 
and in the winter it ruins the suit when it rains (5) I tend to sweat when I 
am hot (6) a sweaty corporate attorney is an unhappy corporate attorney 8^ ( 
 (7) my 93 Honda Prelude Si daily driver has air, a stereo and I can roll 
the windows up to avoid choking on funes from 18 wheelers......  easy choice 
for the 90 mile death march.

Ross D. Vincenti - Costa Mesa, CA
64 Spitfire 4
64 Porsche 356C Coupe

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