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Re: TR6 oil change access

Subject: Re: TR6 oil change access
From: (Hugh R McAleer)
Date: Sat, 03 May 1997 00:53:55 EDT
Cc: Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>
Hmm, sounds like your mechanic is a lazy @#%@!  It isn't hard to change
the oil as it is and if you go to Sears and get one of those tools that
looks like a wrench, but has a ratchet type deal, the job is made a whole
lot easier.  Takes maybe 20-25 minutes to do the job.

I have seen one TR6 with the fender cut out. It was cut out so that the
owner could fix the botched up threads on the block.  

My .02 opinion, don't cut the car up...get a new mechanic.

Hugh R. McAleer
Jonesboro, GA
'68 TR 250,
'71 Stag '73 Stag
75 TR7

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