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SU Carb woes

To: Bob Sykes <>
Subject: SU Carb woes
From: "Jack I. Brooks" <>
Date: Fri, 02 May 1997 16:29:58 -0400
Cc: Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
>Seriously I do have a concern in this regard.  My car with the
>SU HS4 carbs is still spewing fuel occasionally.  It comes out
>the float chamber vents and drips close enough to the exhaust
>system to worry me.  I've tried new needle valves, Grose Jets
>and a fuel pressure regulator trying to stop the float chambers
>from flooding.  The Grose Jets & regulator helped considerably.
>It only does it occasionally, most noticable when driving it hard
>then stopping for a traffic light.  Perhaps it's just easier to
>smell fuel when stopped.  By the time I pop the bonnet open to
>see what's happening, the fuel has evaporated.  I can occasionally
>make it happen at idle by suddenly snapping the throttle open and
>closed.  The float heights are set correctly, but I suppose the
>floats could be hanging up on something inside their chambers.
>They move freely with the lids removed and I can't see whats going
>on when the float chambers are assembled.  Too bad they are not made
>of glass.  ;-)


Is it possible that the heat from the exhaust manifold or engine is causing
the gas to expand and overflow?  I have no direct experience with this, it
is only an educated guess.

Jack Brooks
Jack I. Brooks          Belco Technologies Corporation
Project Manager         7 Entin Road    
201-560-8861            Parsippany, NJ  07054


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