>Has anyone on the list used gas additives to clean out the fuel
>system of a Triumph. I am talking about the name brand stuff like STP
>or others. Do these products effect SU carbs and other fuel system
>hardware (in abad way)? I am running 89 octane gas in my car and runs
fine. I just thought that
>using an additive to clean out the system might help the car. Thanks
I've used Sea Foam on other, non-classic cars (unless you count my mom's
'80 Toyota Tercel), and I've had good results without trying.
If you do decide to use it, here's the advice the sales rep gave when I was
working at Napa and
he came in:
First pour half the bottle straight down the throat of your carb. Be sure
to give it enough gas to keep the engine from dying- although flooding your
engine with sea foam (only enough to kill it- I'm not talking about filling
up a whole cylinder) gives the Sea Foam a little time to digest the
varnishes and such. This should knock off the big chunks. :) Massive
amounts of nasty looking smoke will emerge from your tailpipe and scare
women, children, and low-flying planes. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. I
got a little bluish smoke and a cleaner running engine.
Then, put the rest in your gas tank and go drive it out. What a nice
excuse for a cruise...
If you want to make the Sea Foam sales people happy, buy another can to put
in with your oil, run it a while, then change your oil. It also works well
as a salad topping. A farmer friend of mine swears by it- he puts it in
One caveat- I had a clogged jet that responded better to a direct spray
from a spray carb cleaner than to Sea Foam, and carb cleaner cuts grease on
your engine like nobody's business, whereas Sea Foam is messy in external
Okay, enough babbling out of me.
Jesse Mullan
coveting grandpa's '57 TR3