Well I just drove the Spitfire with the rebuilt Quaife differential today.
A little different, and will take a bit to get used to transferring all the
power to the wheel that needs it instead of just spinning the inside wheel.
I like it! The problem is that I had to replace the current 3:27 ratio with
a 3:63. The Quaife, unfortunately, won't take the 3:27 gears. Quite a
difference, and I knew there would be - can't say I like the higher rev's on
the freeway (around 3800 vs. 3400 for the 3:27's). Can't wait to put the T5
- 5 speed in! Now the spedo need's to be recalibrated, that I knew also.
The question - has anybody ever tried this themselves? Is it just a matter
of readjusting the spiral return spring for the needle or moving the magnets
farther away from the plate? I realize that without changing the gears in
the odometer that this reading will be incorrect, but as I'll never sell the
car I'm not worried. Any comments short of taking it down to the spedo shop
(last time I did this, a LONG time ago, it cost around $60 and they couldn't
replace the gears either).
Barry Schwartz
Bschwartz@encad.com (San Diego)
72-V6 Spitfire (daily driver)
70 GT6+ (when I don't drive the Spit)
70 Spitfire (body repair almost done)