I recently installed the TR6 in-distributor electronic ignition I got
from rgb@exact.com last year. I haven't given it a thorough test yet, but it
installed easily and the car started right up, and idled better (cold) than
it ever has before (it tends to idle high due to some not-yet-found air leaks
and/or worn carbs). Noticably less misfire when cold, even with minimal or
no choke. I haven't re-adjusted the timing yet (it's hard to do dynamically,
since it won't idle down at 800 rpm, especially with the (leaking) retard
plugged). Perhaps now with the new ignition I may be able to work it down,
but I'll probably just twiddle the timing to get the best idle and power.
The only caveat to installing it is that you may need to get/make an
extra spade connector to go on the positive side of the coil (I got a $1.99
"box-o-connectors" at Pep Boys which had a few of what I needed). (It has
to hook up to both the positive and negative sides of the coil.) Quite neat
once installed.
I also got last year a set of the Moss 3-pt inertial belts to replace
the 2-point belts in my '70 TR6, along with a set of nut plates to weld to
the rear wheel arch. However, the instructions were exceedingly generic and
mostly talked about various English sedans. Does anyone have any details
about where and how the nut-plates are to be installed? (BTW, I got the set
from Dick Burger here on the list.)
Randell Jesup, Scala US R&D, Ex-Commodore-Amiga Engineer class of '94
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