Well, my worst nightmares are coming true. I've managed to select
a very inept body shop to help in derusting and painting my tr250.
I delivered to them a completely stripped shell, detached body
panels (fenders, doors, lids,) and a frame. This was about 2mos
ago. There job was to fix the rusted panels, assemble them on to
the shell, and paint the body and frame. I would then do the rest
of the reassembly at my place.
They immediately sandblasted everything to bare metal, treated
the metal with an "etching and rust preventive coating", and then
let it sit for 2 months in a damp storage area. Today the top surface
of the body is covered with a fine layer of rust.
I paid them money up front for sandblasting and trasportation to
and from the sandblaster, this money also covered handstripping
of undercating from around the wheel wells. I paid them $1500 and
that's what the spent on the these items.
At this point the shop owner requested more money to continue work. I
complied with another $1500 (boy do I feel stupid). Then the car sat
for 2 months, and I can't get an answer out of the owner as to when
he will resume work on it. Meanwhile it rusts.
After much anguish, I've decided to pull the body out of the shop
and find another one. The first step is to find a reputable shop
in the Northern California area, preferably in the San Jose area.
Then I'll need to truck the parts to the new place, and then haggle
with the current shop over getting my $1500 back!
Anyone have any referrals for a good body shop? Or any other advice
relating to the above?
Dave Brady