Don't know if you have an electronic ignition system or not, but I had
exactly the same problem with my 2500S. Replacing the coil (even though the
old one tested out OK) fixed the problem. Seems there was some sort of
internal resistance in the old coil once it had warmed up a bit.
David Greed
1979 2500S (Home) (Work - VAX) (Work - PC)
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Group diagnosis needed
> Date: Friday, 25 April 1997 15:15
> Need to get an opinion from the group.
> Baby ( '77 spit 1500) is ill.
> Symptoms: Intermitent lurching and loss of power( as though it were
> out of gas). This seems to occur only when its been driven for longer
> 30 mins. Its happened only sporatically since the first time 2 weeks ago,
> mainly because I haven't driven it for longer than 15 - 20 minutes at a
> stretch. Changed plugs and fuel filter. Today, took a fairly robust
> freeway drive. All went well until we got off the freeway and into stop
> go street traffic. Then the lurching /power loss really kicked in.
> thing is...when the lurching/power loss occurrs, THE TACH GOES CRAZY AND
> THEN DIES. Needle is at 0 even though engine is running ( alebit lurching
> with above mentioned no gas type sputter). The tach returns to normal
> the "seizure" is over. Managed to get back on freeway headed home. No
> problem at all on freeway ( isn't that weird?), but once off it, the
> stuff started again. Managed to get it home where we wait for the group
> diagnosis.
> With thanks as usual,
> Erik
> '77 Spitfire
> The Heldfond Book Gallery, Ltd.
> 310 San Anselmo Avenue
> San Anselmo, California 94960
> U.S.A.
> (415) 456-8194 (Telephone)
> (415) 383-3310 (Facsimile)
> (e-mail)
> (Web Site)
> Member A.B.A.A. / I.LA.B.