Pat Catchpole wrote:
> Subject: Benchgrinders
> Author: at INTERNET-PO
> Date: 23/04/97 20:04
> Hey all,
> What all can you do with a benchgrinder? And is the one that Sears
> has on sale for $58 worth it? Any ideas? Thanks!
> jeff stovall
> ______________________________ Reply Separator
> As my workbench is not really large enough to have the grinder permanently
> attached I generally don't bother fastening it down for grinding small jobs
> cleaning up bolt ends after they have been length adjusted by hacksaw). I
> rediscovered gyroscopic motion recently when I picked up the still spinning
> grinder by the motor (a fine and a coarse abrasive wheel were on either ends)
> It's too long ago to remember the equations of motion that govern this strange
> phenomena but if you gently wave the grinder around it seems to develop a mind
> of its own as to where it wants to go. Try it - but I accept no
> etc...
COOL! Do it seated in a swiveling chair!!!! (Make sure you have plenty
of cord...)