I had some erratic operation on one of my Speedos some time back. I
replaced the cable and that sort of fixed it. But it did still bounce a
bit. When people asked my how fast I was driving, I'd say "between 50 and
70". Most of the TR6 owners were able to relate to that, for some reason.
However, when I swapped in the new cable, I made the mistake of using
regular grease to lube that cable. About a few hundred miles later, the
grease in the cable bubbled up into the speedometer itself, and that made
a real mess.
And then the speedo either read "0" or "way past 160".
The fix was to carefully clean the grease out of the speedometer housing.
I used a q-tip (or q-tips) and wiped as much as I could find. I then
carefully sprayed some brake cleaner on the part that spins around to
make sure I got all the grease out of the housing.
That fixed the problem.
Moral: do not grease the new cable with regular grease. I believe that a
dry lubricant such as moly-disulphide is appropriate for this application.
To take the speedo apart, no special tools were required. There are two
long screws that attach the front part of the unit to the back. Remove
them and then the "face" of the speedo (the ring with the glass in it)
more or less unscrews about 1/16th of a turn. At this point, no further
disassembly is required.
Do not touch the face of the speedo!!! The paint on the numbers will
flake off easily and finger prints look like #@*%. Also, don't use air or
solvents on the side of speedo that has the numbers. I mention this
because I presume that you want to keep the numbers on there for
reference. After I cleaned my glass, I let it air dry for a couple of
hours before I put it back on. It was really tough to keep from getting
fingerprints on the glass when putting everything back together.
At any rate, working on your speedo is prety easy. If you are totally
intimidated by the process, there are places that can do the work for you.
Oh, if you know someone with a pile of "spares", you could stick another
speedo in and see if "fails" the same way as your original unit.
See Ya,
Bob Lang Room 11-221 | This space for rent.
Consultant MIT Computer Services |
Voice: (617)253-7438 FAX: (617)258-9535 |
url: http://web.mit.edu/afs/athena.mit.edu/user/b/l/blang/www/home.html
Quote: How many Triumphs do you own??? Just a few. But I have a lot of parts.