Here's an unusual event:
This Saturday, 26 April, Miami Valley Triumphs, in conjunction with the
British Sports Car Club of Cincinnati, is sponsoring a tour of the Spring
Grove Cemetery, supposedly the largest private cemetery in the world. It
must be big, 'cause the plans are to drive around it for over an hour and
not take the same road twice! It supposedly has very beautiful foliage
displays this time of year, and we will be making stops along the way at the
tombs of famous people. Who knows, maybe a car or two will die along the
way and we'll have to push it off the side of the road and bury it!
I don't have the info in front of me, but the tour starts early afternoon,
and sometime in the late afternoon we'll head off to a nice place to consume
mass quantities of dead animals (I didn't claw my way to the top of the food
chain to be a vegetarian). If this perks your interest, and you need more
information, contact Ray Bolich or Mary Fox at (513) 677-0605, or email at .
Bruce Clough
BTW: Saturday is their "busiest business" day at Spring Grove. Can you
imagine the looks on the survivors as they put their loved ones to their
final rest - and a bunch of LBCs with Monza exhausts go sporting by? Kinda'
brings a tear to the old eye...