Been there done that too! Listen to Scott Drake regarding removal
of the plug. As he says, it should be easy to wiggle it loose and
out. If not, go ahead and take your carb off, remove the float chamber,
and work the plug out from the inside. Otherwise you might have
to buy a new plug. (Done that too.)
Creig Houghtaling
St. Louis, MO
On Tue, 22 Apr 1997 23:04:23 -0700 (len drake) writes:
> I have done this repair three time now (on three separate cars!)
>I have
>been able to do the repair each time without any disassembly of the
>Just turn the plug a few times (it's ussually fairly loose), then
>wiggle the
>plug side to side while pulling downward. It should pop out fairly
>If it doesn,t want to come out, dont use force such as a srewdriver or
>pliers or you will damage the plug. Hope this helps!
>Scott Drake
>>I have 175 CDSE carbs on my TR6 (early '74 engine), and have a small
>>leak from the sealing plug on the bottom of the front carb. Looking
>>my Weber, ZS, SU carb handbook, as well as TRF's parts diagram, the
>>o-ring replacement looks pretty straightforward. Remove bottom of
>>chamber, compress plastic sections of plug insert, and remove plug
>>bottom of chamber housing. Replace o-ring, and re-insert plug in
>>housing until it snaps in place. New gasket for chamber halves, etc.
>>Anyone made this repair recently, with any bits of wisdom before I
>>it apart? BTW, I'm hoping to do this without pulling the entire carb
>>off of the manifold, since I'm not intending to rebuild carb at this
>>time. It looks possible, in my opinion. Any advice???
>>Martin Libhart
>>1972 TR6 (driver)
>>1970 Spitfire Mk.3 (under restoration)